Friday, April 27, 2007


1) Choose and mark 6 of the following 24 boxes so that on each row and each column there are an even number of marks.
    There are several possible answers. If you know how many, please tell me. Here are some of the possibilities:

2) What figure comes next?
    Each figure is built from a number. The first is constructed using a 1 and the mirrored image of a one, pasted together. The same goes for the second figure which is a 2 and a 2 mirrored, pasted together. And so on. So the answer is a 6 with it's mirrored image, pasted together

3) Draw four straight lines through all nine points without lifting your pen and without retracing.

4) Draw six straight lines through all sixtien points without lifting your pen and without retracing.

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